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E.L. Haynes Updated Mask-Wearing Policy

As we announced on Thursday, October 27, 2022, masks are now recommended at E.L. Haynes while indoors. We remain committed to limiting the spread of COVID-19 through our other interventions, including cleaning, ventilation, rapid-test availability, and contact tracing, and we will continue to regularly review data to determine if/when we need to update our policies.

If we experience case rates over key thresholds outlined below, organizational leadership will discuss and re-evaluate potential shifts to mask-wearing, which could include:

    • If grade-based (or schoolwide for high school) case levels hit more than three cases in the grade/school which can be tied via contact tracing to the same school-based case then, masks could be required for that grade level/school for at least 10 days from the trace of the outbreak, with decisions made on a case-by-case basis dependent on the scope of the spread.
    • If a five-day period has more than 5 cases at a single school, then masks could be required for that school or the LEA for at least 10 days.
    • If the city returns to a medium spread level or the Mayor or DC Department of Health make recommendations then we may return to mask-wearing based on current factors.

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